DPR Apply Here

Request your free UPA C21st Digital Perforation Reader here.


Fill in your details below and we will post you your very own FREE C21st Digital Perforation Reader (DPR). You just pay £1 to cover postage. The App is free to use for the first 30 days. Then £2.49 per month or £24.95 annually.

Get your free DPR card.

30 days free initial usage, and your own DPR Card posted to you. Pay just £1 to cover registration. This offer is single use only for new registrations.

Introductory offer

Please register for your DPR account
    Strength: Very Weak
    Please contact me with information regarding DPR and UPA offers
    DPR Initial Registration(£1.00)
    How you want to pay?
    Payment Summary

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    Coupon Discount Amount : , Final Payable Amount: